måndag 20 december 2010

Day 4

Me, Mattias and Chris summs up the weekend happenings with a cup of nice and hot coffee and then we're off to work.
Todays song is a heavy bastard. I lay down a couple of riffs with my old Schecter 006 and it sounds really good to this one. Then I hand over to Mattias and his Les Paul for some dubbing.

Should I mention that even though I came with the idea for this song, I played it wrong and we had to start over again... Ha ha ha. We lost almost 2 hours BUT I catched up in just 30 minutes so... I guess I don't even have to mention it... but now I just did so... whatever.

                 Yes, we like pizza for lunch.

Mattias play some guitar and now it gets really crunchy. A facefister.
The sounds complete eachother very good and we´re pleased.

We kick back and listen to the first 3 songs and they're good for now.
So we call it Christmasbreak but we'll be back before you know it!
Over and out!
Tomas, tAKiDA

fredag 17 december 2010


New day, new song.
This one is more laid back... at least in the beginning.
Chris describes the beginning as more "grown-up" whilst the end is more powerful and anthem-like. Good.
We try out a few diffrent guitars but Mattias makes it sound soo sweet on his ESP Vintage.
The ENGL Invader is put to a "sound-variation-test" and guess what... It passed!

We work with this one all day and man do I like the result!
This one includes everything.
My favorite  part of the process is to find melodies and harmonies to the songs and I´m really pleased with this one.

Evening arrives and we close the studio for this week. We´ll be back monday morning.
Have a nice weekend.
So long suckers.

torsdag 16 december 2010

Guitar day 2

So we're back in the boxroomstudio for some more guitarpicking.
We're starting up our Engl-amps and changing strings for todays recording.
My choice for guitar today is a black Les Paul Custom. What a beauty.
The first tune is a "classic" takidasong and you feel the vibe right away.
It takes about 2 hours to record and then it's lunchtime.
I'll get back to you later... Stand by stumac, here comes kebab!
*burp*  That was good.
After the lunchbreak, Mattias continues with the first song.
His choice of guitar is also a Gibson Les Paul. But unlike mine, it´s a Standard.
It sounds really good and this is going to be a couple of awesome tracks!
We add a basetrack just to get some feeling and I think we´re done with this one (for now).
See ya tomorrow!

onsdag 15 december 2010


Day 1 with guitars...
Last week me, krille and mattias  spent a couple of days in studio Boxroom with Chris for the drumrecording to 4 brand new songs.  It turned out great so this week it´s guitartime.
                                                                                      Krille in the studio

Well, at first we have to deal with one of the songs that we felt wasn´t complete.
It can be a great song but at this point it feels undone so we spent all day trying to figure it out.
We kind of thought it would build itself along the way and we did record a few idéas to it but 5 hours later something was still missing so we gave it up and went home!

We use a Twisted Sister album as a reminder when someone wants to overdo it.
We LOVE twisted sister but this album "STILL HUNGRY" is a good example of "how-NOT-to-do-it".
The drumfills on this CD is faaaar too many and poor so when somebody points at this CD it pretty much means "-Hey man, remember... less is more".

Howz about that huh?